Below you will find information on how to verify and claim CECs/CEUs from each of these organizations:


International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)

To receive CEUs under the ISA program, check-in and check-out procedures must be followed for each applicable session.

Please note, it may take 4- 6 weeks for your CEC application to be reviewed and approved once BCRPA has submitted the sign-in sheets to ISA.

Complete CEU information for applicable sessions can be found in the Parks Professional Pathways Program. 

British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA)

BCSLA Continuing Education requirements are self-reporting.

It is up to the individual to determine whether or not the activity is relevant to landscape architecture and the number of credits to assign each activity.

Please refer to the BCSLA Continuing Education Input and Credit Guide.

Planning Institute of BC (PIBC)

To receive CPLs under the PIBC program, please follow the procedures below:

All Parks Professional Pathways conference sessions are eligible for PIBC’s continuing education requirements. 

  1. Send PIBC your event agenda, which should include the info (title & time-frame) of each specific session (and break) of the specific event, otherwise CPL units eligibility cannot be confirmed.
  2. Please refer to the PIBC Continuous Professional Learning System Guide for more information about how to self-report for PIBC CPL units OR visit the PIBC Continuous Professional Learning (CPL) webpage here.