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HIGH FIVE® is Canada's quality standard for recreation and leisure programs. It was founded in 2001 by Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO) as a national standard for children’s recreation programs. 


HIGH FIVE not only provides recreation professionals with training, but also gives organizations program assessment tools, policies and procedures, and resources to raise awareness about the component parts of operating successful programs.

Since then, the standard has evolved to include training on several of other factors including mental health, competitive sport programs, and healthy aging.


High Five Star Bullet HIGH FIVE = Happy & Healthy Children! High Five Star Bullet


HIGH FIVE is the only recognized certification for recreation and sport in Canada based on the Five Principles of Healthy Child Development for children aged 4-12 years. HIGH FIVE helps organizations enhance the quality of their children's programs and provide positive experiences for children.

The HIGH FIVE vision is that through sustained involvement in quality programs, all children aged 4-12 are experiencing healthy development. By becoming certified through a HIGH FIVE course or becoming a HIGH FIVE Registered Organization, you can ensure that children throughout BC have positive and welcoming recreation experiences that enables them to thrive. Recreation experiences have a life-long impact on children. 

Commit to healthy child development and make a difference with HIGH FIVE. 

We’ve now made it quicker and easier than ever to certify your staff!

Flexible certification process both in-person and online!

Principles of Healthy Child Development (PHCD) 4-hour is an essential certification program that provides a high-quality in a more efficient way. PHCD 4-hour ensures your staff can implement the HIGH FIVE principles as soon as they finish the course.

PHCD 4-hour learners also gain FREE access to 4 modules:

  1. Healthy Minds for Healthy Children
  2. Communicating with Empathy
  3. Introduction to Conflict Resolution
  4. Planning Quality Programs


High Five Star BulletHigh Five Star Bullet If you would like to Host a HIGH FIVE® course, please submit a Training Request through the website linked here. High Five Star BulletHigh Five Star Bullet

Why choose HIGH FIVE?

       High Five Star Bullet HIGH FIVE certification is recognized throughout Canada

       High Five Star Bullet Becoming a Registered Organization shows communities that your organization is committed to healthy child development

       High Five Star Bullet Outstanding satisfaction ratings from learners and organizations with trained staff 

       High Five Star Bullet Tools and knowledge can be applied right away 


Click here to get started! 


Watch the videos below to learn even more about HIGH FIVE


Why should consistent program evaluations matter to your organization?

HIGH FIVE QUEST 2 is “scientifically-validated”. Find out more in this video