The following resources are available for your use.
Pool Operator Course materials:

This 85 page manual is included for participants of the Pool Operator Level I course.
To order contact:

This 99 page manual is included for participants of the Pool Operator Level II course.
To order contact:
Pool Regulations & Guidelines
Click here to download The BC Guidelines for Pool Operations from the BC Ministry of Health.
The BC Guidelines for Pool Operations is designed to help operators and regulators interpret the Pool Regulations with respect to the operation of pools. These guidenes represent generally accepted standards of safe practices.
Depending on the type of pool and the use that it is put to, higher standards may be required. Each pool owner is responsible for ensuring optimum water quality and pool safety. While the guidelines provide information on pool operations, they are not meant to be a substitute for a detailed pool operator’s course.
Note: The operation guidelines may be reviewed and updated from time to time. Please visit the Ministry of Health’s Recreational Water Quality website for updates:
Click here to view the current Pool Regulation from the Public Health Act.
For more information please contact:
Programs & Initiatives Department
604-629-0965 ext. 259