Become an Osteofit Leader

The Osteofit specialty can be completed at any time and does not have to be completed within your first year of registration.

Osteofit is an exercise intervention program developed in consultation with clinical specialists from BC Women's Hospital's Osteoporosis Program. Osteofit is designed to improve strength, balance and coordination as well as functional ability, independence, and quality of life, and is especially safe for those with osteoporosis and osteopenia. It is medically endorsed and based on published research. Osteofit addresses the need for an accessible community program providing the link between physiotherapy and group fitness classes for those who are at risk for falls and fractures. Participants do not need a referral and are encouraged to contact community centres directly. 

Step S0 Prerequisites 
Step S1 Specialtymodule Step S2 Specialtyexam Step S3 Ice


Prerequisite – Complete a Core Specialty

Osteofit Instructors must already be registered through BCRPA's Fitness Program with an Older Adult Advanced Specialty. Successful candidates are recognized as educated, well-trained individuals capable of providing a high quality of service. 

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Step 1: Take the OsteoFit Advanced Specialty Module

BCRPA-approved Osteofit Advanced Specialty Module Courses were developed in accordance with the Osteofit Performance Standards

BCRPA-approved specialty courses have both classroom theory components, and practical, hands-on components. Depending on the course and/or the instructor, there are quizzes, exams, and projects that must be completed as well. Check with your Course Provider regarding the requirements for your chosen course. 

Important Notice

Please be advised that all courses are offered and/or facilitated by independent presenters / providers. While BCRPA's Fitness Program approves that the proposed content of the course is applicable to Fitness Leaders and fulfills registration requirements as a specialty module, BCRPA's Fitness Program is not affiliated with their operation and delivery and assumes no further responsibility or liability to registrants / participants taking these courses. All inquiries, registrations and any other issues are to be referred directly to the course providers. 


Location Delivery Method Name Contact Website
 TBA  TBA BCRPA's Osteofit Program Click here to email BCRPA regarding interest in future courses BCRPA Osteofit

Contact the course provider for complete information, including course duration, course outline, course components, time commitment and course requirements. 

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Step 2: OsteoFit Specialty Exam

The Osteofit exam is based on the Osteofit Performance StandardsThe exam is a requirement for registration in the BCRPA Osteofit module.

Osteofit written exam has a 70% required to pass. For more information head to the BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre website.

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Step 3: Instructor Competency Evaluation (ICE)

For information on completing the Osteofit ICE head to BC Women's Hospital and Health Centre website.  

Once you have completed the 3 steps listed above, your specialty will be added to your account on The Registry® of Fitness Professionals.


You are now a BCRPA Registered Osteofit Leader!

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