Performance Standards

The Fitness Leadership Canada is a Canadian partnership dedicated to developing, promoting and implementing national standards for training and certification of Fitness Leaders in Canada.

The Performance Standards are intended to guide course curriculum development and ongoing education initiatives and will provide a minimum set of standards dealing with the knowledge, skills, and values of basic Fitness Leaders. The Performance Standards are intended, as well, to provide a common base from which to design, validate or upgrade examination and practical assessments. 

On this page, you will find information about Fitness Leadership Canada's Performance Standards, as well as specific Performance Standards for your Fitness Specialty.


Performance Standards for Fitness Professionals

About the Performance Standards

Fitness Leadership Canada's Performance Standards are designed to provide the fitness leadership training and certification organizations throughout Canada with:

  • A reference point from which both entry-level training and the continuing education for Fitness Leaders can be planned;
  • A clear description of measurable knowledge, values and skills that characterize
    acceptable practices by competent Fitness Leaders;
  • A blueprint for nurturing professional standards for Fitness Leaders;
  • A means for improving the quality of fitness services offered to consumers.

These Performance Standards are considered appropriate and necessary for training Fitness Leaders to design and instruct safe, enjoyable and effective fitness class experiences with asymptomatic, generally healthy people.

Competency-Based Approach – Training and Development

The key to a competency-based training approach is to design a program focused on the actual tasks to be performed and to create tools to assess the levels of performance. The list of skills, knowledge and values combine to describe the attributes of a competent Fitness Leader that is able to design and deliver safe, effective and enjoyable fitness programs.

Your Performance Standards

Performance Standards for your Fitness Specialty are available below.

Click on the link below to view the PDF:

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