BCRPA's DB Perks and Associates Graduating Student Scholarship Award

Nominations for 2025 are now closed.
The purpose of this scholarship award is to recognize and support BC post-secondary students who have excelled in their program, and who have shown a commitment to leadership that will help advance recreation and parks being embraced as essential to the quality of life of every British Columbian (BCRPA’s vision).
BCRPA Scholarship Recipients are celebrated widely by BCRPA – during Symposium, on our website, through our social media platforms, and in member communications that reach over 5,400 of BC’s recreation and parks professionals – providing them with unprecedented exposure and a prestigious accomplishment and recognition to add to their professional profiles.
Eligible recipients are final year students graduating from recreation and parks post-secondary related programs that are BCRPA Affiliate members. Recipients must also be a current BCRPA Student Member. They will have demonstrated strengths in academics, practicums, class participation, and team work.
Scholarship recipients receive a:
- $2,000 scholarship
- Complimentary registration to attend BCRPA’s Annual Symposium
- One-year complimentary BCRPA Individual Independent Membership, following the expiry of their BCRPA Student Membership
Commercial Aquatic Supplies has sponsored this Student Scholarship Award Program since it began in 2001. We thank them for their ongoing generous support.
Meet the past recipients of BCRPA's DB Perks and Associates Graduating Student Scholarship Award.
Nominations for 2025 are now closed.
- Nominating post-secondary institutions must be affiliate members of BCRPA.
- Institutions will nominate their top student in the program, based on the criteria. (Nominations packages must be submitted by the school's department representative - 1 nomination per department)
- Student nominees must be graduating from a recreation or parks degree or diploma program at a BC university or college, and be convocating in 2025.
- Nominees who have been chosen to receive the award must be BCRPA student members at the time the award is granted at the BCRPA Awards Ceremony.
All BC post-secondary educational institution with a current BCRPA Affiliate membership are eligible to nominate one (1) student per graduating year the recreation or parks related academic program they offer, and the student must be currently enrolled in the final year of the program. Students who have completed their studies in Fall of 2024 and convocating in 2025, are also eligible for nomination.
Nominating institutions will promote the award opportunity to eligible students, conduct an internal selection process based upon the selection criteria, and submit no more than one (1) nomination per program.
Nomination packages must be submitted to BCRPA by the department representative. View "Submission Requirements" below for details.
Student nominations will be evaluated on the following broad criteria. The nominated student:
- Exhibits excellence in a recreation or parks program of study as demonstrated in academics, practicum performance and evaluation feedback, class participation, team work, and other criteria deemed important to the program;
- Demonstrates commitment and leadership (academic and in the community) to the recreation and parks field;
- Is actively engaged in recreation (as volunteer and participant- include any past or current aquatics experience: ie: swim team, coaching, lifeguarding, etc.,) and shows promise of future impact on the sector;
- Is in the final year of the program;
- Is chosen by the program leadership as the graduating student who is most representative of the scholarship nomination criteria.
Completed nominations packages must include:
- Nominee’s resume (maximum 1-2 page), demonstrating capabilities as well as work experience and any current/past involvement in recreation (including aquatics), and or parks;
- Cover letter by the student that cites his/her successfully meeting each of the four nomination criteria;
- A well-crafted written work of up to 500 words (two pages) summarizing:
- How the knowledge, skills, and abilities learned in the program contribute to the student’s understanding of and leadership within the recreation and parks field; and
- How the student models these qualities. The essay should highlight critical thinking and understanding of the field, and convey what excites the student about the field.
- One (1) letter of reference from an instructor or program leader supporting the nomination which references their and the institution’s observations on how the student meets the nomination criteria.
- Photos of the nominee, including a current digital headshot photo, as well as 3 to 5 additional photos that showcases how recreation and parks has been a part of their life, from any age.
- In the event that the Nominee receives a student scholarship, these photos will be used in recognition material, including the BCRPA Award Ceremony presentation, website, social media, and other digital print material.
Please email all documents to Connie Mah by email, with the subject line: 2025 Nomination for BCRPA Student Scholarship.
- January through March 13, 2025 - Call for nominations
- 4:30 pm, March 13, 2025 - Submission deadline
- By April 4, 2025 - Selection of successful recipients
- May 6 to 8, 2025 - BCRPA's Annual Symposium in Whistler
- May 8, 2025 - Awards presentation happening at Symposium, and Scholarship Recipients announced and posted on BCRPA's website
Nominations received will be evaluated and ranked by a BCRPA committee based upon the selection criteria. BCRPA will inform the nominating institution and the successful student awardee of the selection outcomes. Decisions are at the discretion of BCRPA.
Up to two (2) DB Perks and Associates Graduating Student Scholarships Awards are available for 2025.
DB Perks Young Professional Aquatics Award
The DB Perks Young Professional Aquatics Award acknowledges the outstanding achievements of an emerging leader in the early stages of their aquatics career. This new award is given biennially (every 2 years) at BCRPA’s biennial Ripple Effects Aquatics Workshop. This award recognizes young professionals with the traits and skills required to hold a leadership position in aquatics, and who shows promise in continuing to make an impact on the sector.
We thank DB Perks and Associates for their generous support of this award that recognizes the positive contribution young professionals have on aquatics in BC.
Learn more about the 2023 recipient, Wyatt Kupferschmidt.