Recruitment Resources

Recreation, Parks, and Fitness Sector Recruitment 

BCRPA has a number of initiatives underway to support recruitment and retention of staff in recreation, parks, and fitness.

One of these is a set of dynamic new recruitment 'rack' cards that have been developed to showcase the exciting opportunities and benefits these careers provide.

Links to download, share, and print each card are below. Please feel free to make them available in your facilities, communities, and during your programs.

Another is our Careers in Parks and Recreation website - more information below.

Recruitment Rack cards

Three promotional rack cards are available to help promote careers in:

Two versions of each are available:

  1. for printing one double sided card per page,
  2. for printing, and trimming, two double sided cards per page.

Choose the pdf version below that best suits your needs.

Recreation Sector Career Recruitment Rack Card

Side One Side Two
Recreation Recruit Rackcard Page 1 A Recreation Recruit Rackcard Page 2 W



Parks Sector Career Recruitment Rack Card

 Side One  Side Two
Parks Recruit Rackcard Page 1 W Parks Recruit Rackcard Page 2 W



Fitness Leader Career Recruitment Rack Card

Side One Side Two
 Fitness Leader Card Page 1 W  Fitness Leader Card Page 2 W


 If you have any questions about these files please reach out to us at


 Careers In Parks Logov3

Careers in Parks and Recreation website

Additional recruitment resources include the Careers in Recreation and Parks website that provides information on the many different types of jobs the sector offers, sample job postings, stories about people who work in different areas, salary estimates and education and training pathways.

Please share this website url: