
We offer two job posting options:

  • You can purchase a one-time only posting by clicking on the “Submit a Job Posting” button, below
  • We also offer the option to purchase a job bundle, which provides additional cost savings. Purchase a job bundle by clicking on the “Buy a Job Bundle” button, below

Note: you will need to be logged into your account to complete your purchase and posting.

If you have already purchased a job bundle, proceed to “Submit a Job Posting”. Your posting will be deducted from your bundle, and a zero-balance produced once the posting is made.

Job submissions will be posted for a maximum of 4 weeks, or until the application deadline if less than 4 weeks. The job listings page is universally accessible, viewed by all BCRPA members – fitness leaders and parks and recreation professionals – as well as the general public.

Taking your postings further through social media

Once the listing is published on BCRPA's website, your job may also be promoted on BCPRA's social media channels, providing it with added exposure and reach.

Job Posting Rates

  • Job bundles are available for purchase at significant savings – a job bundle of 5 costs less than purchasing 5 individual job postings!
  • Job bundles do not expire, and will remain on your account until all job posting credits are used.

Job posting rates are as follows (prices do not include GST):

Single job posting  Rate
Member $40
Non-Member $80


Job Bundles Rate
5 job postings  Member


($28.50 each)



($57 each)

10 job postings  Member


($22.90 each)



($45.80 each)

25 job postings  Member


($17.12 each)



($34.24 each)


If you have any questions, please contact us at

Buy a Job Bundle 

Note: You must be logged into your website account, to access this product.
